Blogging is a great way of writing down those little things that happen that are so funny and sweet at the time but that fade in the day to day living. Over the next few weeks I hope to write a post on each of our wonderful children (and the silly things they've done). They are all a blessing and (at times) I cannot get enough of them. This post is the first (in a series) about our incredible journey to parenthood.
I’m going to take you back farther then you probably want to go. For some reason, I always had this inner feeling that it was going to be hard to get pregnant. When Jeff and I made the decision to start trying to have a family, it wasn’t too long before my suspicions were confirmed. We tried for quite some time and then enlisted the help of several doctors. After many long years of heartbreaking ups and downs, good news finally came. The nurse just completed my umpteenth ultrasound and then she got up and said that she would be right back. I found myself sitting alone on the table in my paper gown when I heard someone down the hall shout “She’s having triplets!!” If I'm being honest, I will tell you that I remember sitting there in self pity wishing that the walls weren't so paper-thin so I couldn't hear that some other patient was having triplets...good for them, but what about ME?? Low and behold several seconds later in comes Dr. Cline with a huge smile on his face. ME?? REALLY???? (Oh boy, how do I explain this one to Jeff???) What came next was the doctor telling me not to get too excited. He explained that two embryos looked good (size wise) but that the third was only half the size of the other two and probably wouldn’t survive. I went to work later that morning and found myself avoiding Jeff's calls. I didn't want to tell him over the phone that we were pregnant and yet, I didn't know how I could steer the conversation away from the "How did the Doctor's appointment go?" question. When we finally did speak on the phone, I said that we needed to talk when I got home. Naturally, Jeff probably thought that it was bad news again and so he didn’t push for answers. I beat Jeff home that evening and when he arrived, I had a Heineken and the ultrasound pics ready for him. It didn’t take him long to see the three images nor did it take him long to finish that beer!
I’m going to take you back farther then you probably want to go. For some reason, I always had this inner feeling that it was going to be hard to get pregnant. When Jeff and I made the decision to start trying to have a family, it wasn’t too long before my suspicions were confirmed. We tried for quite some time and then enlisted the help of several doctors. After many long years of heartbreaking ups and downs, good news finally came. The nurse just completed my umpteenth ultrasound and then she got up and said that she would be right back. I found myself sitting alone on the table in my paper gown when I heard someone down the hall shout “She’s having triplets!!” If I'm being honest, I will tell you that I remember sitting there in self pity wishing that the walls weren't so paper-thin so I couldn't hear that some other patient was having triplets...good for them, but what about ME?? Low and behold several seconds later in comes Dr. Cline with a huge smile on his face. ME?? REALLY???? (Oh boy, how do I explain this one to Jeff???) What came next was the doctor telling me not to get too excited. He explained that two embryos looked good (size wise) but that the third was only half the size of the other two and probably wouldn’t survive. I went to work later that morning and found myself avoiding Jeff's calls. I didn't want to tell him over the phone that we were pregnant and yet, I didn't know how I could steer the conversation away from the "How did the Doctor's appointment go?" question. When we finally did speak on the phone, I said that we needed to talk when I got home. Naturally, Jeff probably thought that it was bad news again and so he didn’t push for answers. I beat Jeff home that evening and when he arrived, I had a Heineken and the ultrasound pics ready for him. It didn’t take him long to see the three images nor did it take him long to finish that beer!